What are the Four Major Speed Laws in California?

Many people believe it’s okay to drive 10 miles over the speed limit if it follows the flow of traffic, however that is not the case. The flow of traffic is never a defense to speeding. In California, there are four major Speed Laws: Basic, Prima Facie, Maximum, and Minimum.

Does a Red Light Ticket Affect Insurance in California?

Getting a red light ticket or other traffic ticket in California can impact your auto insurance premiums. With each point added to your driver’s license, insurance companies view you as a higher-risk driver, potentially resulting in premium increases of up to 92 percent!

Police Officers Hiding

You are driving on the highway and suddenly, you see flashing lights behind you. Where did the police officer come from? You never saw a police car. So you pull over, the officer comes over and hands you a speeding ticket. You are left sitting there wondering if it’s legal for police officers to hide to catch speeders in California.

Going 80 in a 60 MPH Zone

If you have been caught going 80 miles per hour in a 60 mph zone, you can expect to receive a speeding ticket. Likely, vehicle code 22349.

How Much is a No Left Turn Ticket?

If you do not obey the rules and regulations that are in place when it comes to driving on the roads in California, there is every chance that you could end up receiving a fine.

Getting Out of a Ticket

If you have recently received a traffic ticket in California for a violation then there are steps that you can take to get out of it.

How Much is Bail for a Traffic Ticket?

Bail usually refers to the amount of money required to bail someone out of prison. In the case of a traffic ticket in California, the bail amount is the total charge that you will need to pay to avoid going to court.

90 in a 65 MPH Zone

If you were over 65 MPH then you will receive violation code 22349 a vc. There are different defenses that are available for this type of speeding ticket.

Does Running a Stop Sign Increase Insurance?

The most common traffic violations in California include running a stop sign. This can be easy to accidentally do and unfortunately can have large financial consequences

Trial by Written Declaration Success Rate

It’s not possible to accurately state the average success rates for written declarations. The reason is that the only place this information exists is in the California Superior Court system.